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MJL Piano & Co. veio para dinamizar a aprendizagem de piano e entusiasmar os jovens pianistas e os seus professores através de recursos diversificados como livros, baralhos de cartas divertidos, e muito mais!

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crítica Maria João Lopes

Crítica | Dezembro 2022

Pianist and pedagogue Maria João Lopes is always devising new methods for her piano students, and this latest volume for the very young beginner is all-inclusive with theory, exercises and melodies in gradual progress. Maria João Lopes has spent many years researching beginner methods from all over the world and realised that there is no one specific Portuguese volume for local teachers. Printed on glossy paper, the delightful coloured illustrations by Ana Elisa Aragão cannot fail to appeal to young children. Posture at the piano, clefs, staves and note values are all introduced at a gradual pace with even a mathematics page to add up the various counts of note values. Notation is also very gradual, starting with single notes, hands together, and then proceeding to reading two consecutive notes on a stave of two lines playing black notes. Many of the first pieces have teacher accompaniments to enhance the melodies while counting on Middle C. Dynamics are colourfully mentioned as notation gradually increases in the numerous pieces to entertain young players. Variations of touch are humorously introduced as are the sharps and flats. Seconds and thirds as well as cluster chords are included and there is a charming piece in D major. Well-planned, and carefully paced, this book is a huge success with Portuguese children and will surely cross the waters to entertain youngsters all over Europe."
piano para pequerruchos sustenidos

Nadia Lasserson, Pianista, Pedagoga e Secretária da International European Piano Teacher's Association

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